Monday, October 26, 2009


I have always had a fair amount of ambition. When I've wanted to do something in the past, I've gone full speed ahead, eager to accomplish whatever goal I had set for myself. I did that in sports, academics, relationships, etc. I've never been one to shy away from a challenge or doubt myself. That seems, however, to have changed tremendously.

For the past two semesters, I've put off applying to graduate school to begin working on my Master's for various reasons. Can I work and go to school? Will I be able to have enough time for all the other things I'm a part of? Am I capable of graduate level work? These questions would have never bothered me in the past; in fact, these questions would have never even popped up. I would have seen the goal, made a plan, and went for it without hesitation.

So what's happened to me? I have the desire to further my education. Trust me, there are few things I love more than school and learning new things. I think I'm intimidated because this will be the first "schooling" that I will have to fund on my own. And I know that it's so worth it, but it's also scary, to take on a $25,000-30,000 debt.

I've just got to get my stuff together and make it happen. The sooner I get started, the sooner I'll be moving on up the pay scale.