Sunday, February 5, 2012

Above Water

I am so busy. It is my own fault. I don't say "no." It is simply not a part of my vocabulary. However, I am working extremely hard to keep my pretty brown-haired head bobbing just above the water. Luckily, life hasn't capsized me yet. Still yet, I don't know that being just ahead is something I should be proud of...should I?

I start each day with a "to-do list" that seems to be a mile long. Everything on it is not something I have to do; some of the list is made up of wants. I never get everything marked off in a given day. I'm beginning to accept that this is least what life looks like for a responsible adult.

I guess this is all to say, I haven't been blogging with any sense of regularity. I am busy. I am "Weight Watching" (8 pounds gone). I am teaching. I am being a wife. This week, I'm working on making some time for me.

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